
Farming incentives attract the users and liquidity needed to grow a project and facilitate trading. Deposit JLP tokens into yield farms to maximize platform rewards!

Yield farming is the process of staking liquidity pool tokens into a farm to earn additional rewards, on top of the existing LP position which grows from swap fees. Users can deposit their JLP tokens into Farms on the Jump DEX to maximize their platform rewards. 60% of the total JUMP token supply is allocated to emissions for yield farms and NFT staking!

JUMP Rewards Vesting

To balance the high emissions offered by Jump Farms, JUMP tokens are locked and vested to users. Users claim Locked JUMP which is converted into JUMP tokens linearly over a 30-day timeframe.

Power users can increase the rate in which locked JUMP is vested by minting Fast Pass.

Whitelisted Farms

Whitelisted farms gain access to JUMP token emissions in addition to any token rewards allocated by the whitelisted project team.

Whitelisted farms must be approved by the Jump DeFi core team.

Do you want to unlock JUMP farming rewards? Apply now! Whitelist Farm Applications

Permissionless Farms

Before Jump DeFi, project owners had to meet expensive liquidity requirements that restricted many projects from setting up yield farming. We think that sucks. Which is why Jump DeFi is the first platform on NEAR to introduce permissionless yield farming.

Anyone can create a permissionless farm on the Jump DEX. Permissionless farms allow smaller teams to offer the liquidity incentives needed to be competitive and grow their project. Permissionless farms do not receive JUMP token emissions. Instead, the creator of the farm is responsible for allocating tokens to be distributed as liquidity incentives over a set period of time.

Last updated