Locked JUMP
Emissions from yield farms and NFT staking are claimed as Locked JUMP (LJUMP) and vested linearly
Locked JUMP vesting enables Jump DeFi to offer high yields in a manner that is significantly more sustainable than competitors. This gives the community confidence to hold JUMP token long-term to take advantage of the valuable utilities the platform has to offer.
When a user claims rewards from farming and NFT staking they receive Locked JUMP (LJUMP) which automatically starts vesting into JUMP tokens. When Locked JUMP is claimed it is sent to the unlocker contract and the contract initiates the 30-day linear vesting period.
Early Unlocking with Fast Passes
Fast Pass NFTs allow users to pay the protocol to increase the speed of vested JUMP rewards from Farms and NFT Staking. Fast Pass NFTs increase the vesting rate of locked JUMP by 2X, resulting in a 15 day linear vesting duration.
Last updated